Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How To Clean Pet Stains

How To Remove Pet Stains

At some point, every pet owner has to deal with some sort of stain. Whether it be from an accident, an ailment, or food just not going down right, pet stains can be a struggle. What can be even more frustrating then the actual stain, is getting rid of it. There are countless products on the market designed to eliminate pet stains. However every pet owner knows not all of them work.

how to remove pet stains
Enzymes are often suggested as a common cleaner to remove pet stains. While they are highly marketed and targeted as solutions for removing pet stains, pet owners often find that these types of cleaners are ineffective. There are several reasons why enzymatic cleaners do not deliver desired results. First of all, enzymes are very specific in what they can clean. Enzymes work by attacking and breaking down protein cells. However not all enzymes can break down all proteins. Different animals release different chemicals in their urine. Because of the variations, a general enzymatic cleaner might target some of the protein in the stained area and not all of it. Likewise, a stain from pet vomit will vary in composition from a stain composed of waste. As a result, there are going to be elements in either type of stain that an enzymatic cleaner can not break down.
Because enzymes are so sensitive as far as what will react to them, there are other variables that prevent them from effectively cleaning and removing stains. These variables include temperature, the composition of the area being cleaned and the use of other products in the area. If the temperature is not in the right range, enzymes do nothing. They are very sensitive in regards to temperature. Different carpet types are dyed and treated differently. Some also have stain guard applied to them. Various chemicals in the manufacturing of carpet, as well as different stain guards can prevent enzymes from doing anything at all. If any type of cleaner had been used in the past, whether it be used as a spot cleaner or in a machine, it too will have the same effect as any chemical that might be in the carpet itself. That effect is the neutralization of the enzymes being applied. They will be completely ineffective.
More often then not, people who use enzymatic cleaners find that the stain is never really fully removed, and although the smell seems to be eliminated, it ends up returning in about three days . . . usually with a more pungent odor then before. The returning smell comes from the breakdown of remaining enzymes in the carpet as well as the protein from the original stain that was not broken down. Remember, certain enzymes only target specific types of protein, need the correct temperature to be active and are ineffective if any other chemicals have been in the area. With such variables, there is no way a general, store bought enzyme can properly remove pet stains.
Household cleaners are often used as an attempt to clean stains. Many household cleaners imply that they can be used for cleaning spots in carpet. There is nothing further from the truth. The bulk of household cleaners contain active chemicals and bleach based foundations. These cleaners can have extremely negative effects on carpet. Different carpet types are treated with different chemicals when they are manufactures. Some carpets are even treated with a stain guard. The chemicals in household cleaners can react to the chemicals in carpet or stain guards and make very visible variations in the carpet when applied. In some cases, the this combination can even work against you to lock the stain in. Chemical based household spray cleaners should never be used on carpet - especially if you do not know about your carpets composition specifications.
Another huge misconception in removing pet stains is that vinegar will do the job. Vinegar is in general a useful cleaner because of the fact that it is acidic. It is also a natural, green product and inexpensive on top of that. When diluted with water, the acidity is neutralized. This allows it to safely clean surfaces by allowing the acid to break down whatever stains it is targeting. However, pet owners should never use vinegar to clean pet stains in carpet or upholstery. Being a natural, acidic compound, vinegar, as well as ammonia, contains some of the same elements found in urine. This is particularly evident in the scent. Animals, both cats and dogs, are inclined to urinate in the same spot. Cats are drawn to liter boxes. Cat liter is often ammonia based. This ammonia scent is what draws the cats to the box as cat urine contains ammonia. They naturally go to the bathroom where they smell they have gone before. When dogs go outside, they sniff to find where they have gone before. When they find the area where they have previously gone, they will continue to use that spot. If they smell the scent of another dog, they will in turn mark that area with their own scent. Now, think about your carpet. If you lay vinegar down in your carpet, even diluted, your cat or dog will smell it. As a natural reaction, they will confuse the vinegar scent for the scent found in urine. You have just encouraged your pet to use the carpet at a rest area and your pet stain problems are only going to get worse.

To properly clean and remove pet stains, you need to thoroughly clean the area. The best way to do this is with Genesis 950. Genesis 950 is a surfactant based cleaner. It works with water to break the bonds of stains. To properly remove pet stains, use it in a steam cleaner or machine. This allows it to get deep within the carpet fibers and padding to break apart everything that has sunk below the surface. If you have deep pet stains, and are just spot cleaning the surface, you may get rid of the visible stain, but you are not going to be able to remove the odor from what has penetrated below the surface fibers. Genesis 950 is a green cleaner with no harsh chemicals, toxins or enzymes. It will not react with carpet regardless of what the carpet's composition is. It can even be used on sensitive surfaces like wool and silk. In addition to breaking down stains, it will kill any bacteria that it comes in contact with. This also allows it to completely deodorize the area and remove odors associated with pet stains.
Best Pet Stain Remover For Carpet

In the photo shown, the Berber carpet was affected by pet stains. Over a six month period, other cleaners were used. In most cases, the stains were lifted, however the reaction of the carpet to the cleaner was more then prominent. Gray streaks made every cleaning attempt apparent. The more the carpet was cleaned, the worse it ended up looking. A lingering foul odor also accompanied the unsightly carpet. Among the cleaners used were enzymatic based cleaners as well as common household cleaners specifically designated as carpet and spot cleaners. After trying all the traditional and mythological methods of cleaning, the next option was to replace the carpet. It was then suggested to try Genesis 950 in a steam cleaner.

Best Pet Odor Remover For Carpet
Using a Bissel Pro Heat machine on the heavy traffic setting, the use of Genesis 950 not only removed the remaining stains, it also removed all the discoloration left behind from all the other products used. On top of making the carpet look like new, it removed all foul odors coming from the carpet. After a few days, the odor never returned. After a few weeks, still no odor. Genesis 950 cleaned the carpet like nothing else could.