Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Green Pet Stain Remover & Carpet Cleaner


Cleaning carpet is not only a necessity for keeping your house clean, but also needed to maintain a healthy home. A thorough carpet cleaning will remove dirt, dust and pollen that has settled into the carpet throughout the year. However it seems the carpet needs to be cleaned when it is most inconvenient. An sudden spill or stains often triggers the urge to clean before the stain sets in. Because of this, people typically grab the most convenient cleaner and start scrubbing away.

Unfortunately, many household cleaners are unsafe. Some contain harsh chemicals that can trigger health risks. Simple Green contains 2-buthoxyethanol, which can damage red blood cells and cause irritation to the eyes. Spot Shot may be fatal if inhaled. Febreeze, 409 and other ammonium or ethonalamine based cleaners can trigger asthma. Some of these cleaners have been cited as releasing up to 89 air contaminants. The Environmental Working Group has composed a list of products on their Hall Of Shame. This list outlines dangers in common household cleaning products.

In addition to being unsafe, many household cleaners do not properly remove stains. Many cleaners contain chemistry which can alter the carpet's color. A proper cleaner can break down stains without damaging your carpet. Genesis 950 is a safe, green cleaner which works with water to break down stains by making them water soluble. Once water soluble, the bonds of a stain are broken and the stain can then be flushed from the surface.
Best Green Cleaning Product
Genesis 950 was named a Top Baby & Kids Invention
Because of How Safe It Is To Use Around Families

Genesis 950 can be used as a spot cleaner for surface stains, or it can be used in a machine to deep clean carpet. It is the best carpet cleaner for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it is safe. It does not contain any regulated chemicals like other cleaners. It is free of 2-buthoxyethanol, ammonium or ethonalamine. The contents of Genesis 950 will not provoke asthma, respiratory issues, or fatal reactions. As a green product, it is designed with the safety of the environment, pets, children and families in mind. 

Genesis 950 can handle all types of stains. Initially designed to remove industrial ink from printing presses, Genesis 950 found it's way into homes in 2011. The ability to break down food stains, makeup stains, paint stains, and even pet stains, has made it one of the most popular green cleaning products on the market.

Pet owners love Genesis 950 because it can remove the toughest pet stains well as odors. In doing so, it will not harm surfaces being cleaned. In addition to removing stains, it also removes odors.

Remove Pet Stains & Odors From Carpet

Pet stains, such as urine and vomit can make carpet unbearable. They also cause a great deal of frustration when it comes to cleaning. If not cleaned properly, it can create reoccurring urination on that spot. Both cats and dogs, urinate based on instinct. If they smell urine in a spot, they will likely go on that spot again. Unfortunately, the internet is littered with terrible advice in regards to cleaning pet stains. When this happens, the pet stains only get worse.

The worst advice by far are all the DIY pet stain remover recipes that include vinegar. Vinegar, as well as ammonia, has an acidic base. The pH level in vinegar is similar to the pH level of urine. This acidic odor confuses your pet into thinking that is the spot to go to the bathroom. Even the Humane Society states the following warning:
Best Vinegar Pet Stain Remover

  • Avoid cleaning chemicals such as ammonia or vinegar. Strong chemical odors may encourage your pet to reinforce the urine scent mark in that area.
Best Baking Soda Pet Stain RemoverLikewise, cleaning products containing ammonium compounds have the same effect. There are countless testimonials where people have cleaned with vinegar or ammonia based cleaners and find themselves bewildered because even though they cleaned the spot, it keeps coming back. Chances are it's coming back because your pet smells those chemicals and keeps going to the bathroom in that spot. Using these cleaners only starts a vicious cycle between you cleaning there and your pet going to the bathroom there.

Another issue in dealing with pets is the odor below the carpet surface. When an animal urinates on carpet, the urine travels downward. It becomes infused in the padding and the fibers of the carpet. Surface cleaning a spot will not remove the odor underlying the carpet. While you might not be able to smell it, you pet can. As they sniff about the carpet, when they come across the section with an old stain in the padding, they are likely to go to the bathroom there again.

Baking soda is another incorrectly advised pet stains remover. While baking soda is a neutralizer when introduced to an acidic component, neutralizing is NOT the same as deodorizing. Baking soda also presents other problems - the fine powder can damage vacuum cleaners and blow out the vacuum motor. It can have the same impact on carpet cleaning machines if wet clumps are sucked up by the machine. It can also make a mess of your carpet as the mixture becomes paste like if using it in conjunction with some sort of liquid. To remove pet odors, the bacteria causing them needs to be destroyed. Air fresheners, in addition to releasing contaminants and asthma inducing chemicals, only mask odors. They also do not neutralize or deodorize them. Genesis 950 completely removes the odor . . . safely!

Best Carpet Cleaner For Pet StainsIn this photo, a Berber carpet was full of pet stains. Over the course of several years it had been cleaned with countless traditional cleaners. These products created more staining and left discolored blotches throughout the carpet. Many of these cleaners were soap based. Because soap attracts dirt, the marks left behind by those cleaners became worse over time.
Best Carpet Cleaning Solutino
Over time, pets repeatedly went to the bathroom throughout the carpet. This was not a housebreaking issue. This was an issue created by the cleaners not removing the odor properly. As a result, the animals continued to go to the bathroom throughout the carpet.

Pet stains involving odor MUST be cleaned with a carpet cleaning machine. Not only do they make the carpet look more appealing, but they also allow you to get to the padding. Odor issues can not be treated with a surface cleaning. Unless you use a carpet cleaning machine, you will not remove odor from the carpet.

For the best results, use Genesis 950 at a mixing ratio of 1/3 Genesis 950 to 2/3 water. While general cleaning recommendations are 1 part Genesis 950 to 7 parts water, pet stains can be stubborn. For this reason, the ratio should be increased. In extreme cases, Genesis 950 can be mixed at a 50/50 ratio with water. If choosing to clean with a higher ratio, there should ever be more Genesis 950 than water. Less is more! It is the water which activates Genesis 950.

Once the carpet was cleaned using Genesis 950 in a carpet cleaning machine at a ratio of 1/3 Genesis 950 to 2/3 water, the pet stains and odor were completely removed. Not only did it remove the pet stains, but it also removed the stains that other cleaning products made. This cleaning process also remove any odor from within the carpet. This prevents the animals from being attracted to that spot and ends "accidents" in the house.

Pet stains on carpet surfaces can be appropriately cleaned using Genesis 950 as a spot cleaner. Clean surface stains from food and drinks to, make up, markers and even unidentifiable using Genesis 950 in a spray bottle with water at the general cleaning ratio of 1 part Genesis 950 to 7 parts water. Spray the area, then rinse clean with water and allow to dry.

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Best Carpet Cleaning Stain RemoverBest Carpet Cleaning Stain Remover

Best Carpet Cleaning Stain RemoverBest Carpet Cleaning Stain Remover

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Genesis 950 the best cleaning solution for carpet cleaning. It removes the toughest stains without polluting the environment, harming you, your family or your pets. If you are looking for a safe cleaner, visit genesis950.com and read the reviews, see more photos and find out what else you can clean.