Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Genesis 950 - The Best All Purpose Cleaner

Looking for the best all purpose cleaner and stain remover?

Genesis 950 is a green, surfactant cleaner. Typical household cleaners can contain bleach, ammonia, soaps or other chemicals designed to remove stains. Some are marketed to specifically target a type of stain, whether it be for carpet, stainless steel, tile or grout. As a result, you end up with a cabinet full of different cleaners, each having one sole purpose. Genesis 950 eliminates the need for multiple products and does so without using bleach, soaps or harsh chemicals. As a surfactant Genesis 950 works with water to make a stain water soluble. Once water soluble a stain can be broken down and rinsed clean from the surface. It also works on multiple surfaces. Whether you are cleaning carpet, tile, concrete, upholstery, or any other surface, Genesis 950 is the only cleaner you need for any job.

Because Genesis 950 works so different from other cleaners, the uses for it are endless.Sold in concentrate form, you are getting straight cleaner. As a concentrate, you get to choose how much you use based on your cleaning needs. When used as a general cleaner, mix 1 part Genesis 950 to 7 parts water. When used at this ratio, 1 gallon of concentrate becomes 7 gallons of cleaning solution!

Best Green Cleaning Product

Because Genesis 950 is a concentrate, it saves you money. One gallon could easily last for months, Because it is cleans everything, there is no need to buy different cleaning products throughout the year! One gallon of Genesis 950 goes a long way.

Genesis 950 is perfect for pet owners. It removes pet stains as well as odors. When used in a carpet cleaning machine, the mixture of 950 and water removes both surface stains and stains within the padding. While cleaning the stains, it also deodorizes, killing bacteria responsible for foul odors from urine. Because it is free of harsh chemicals, no hazardous chemicals are left behind in the carpet.

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Best Pet Stain Remove Carpet

General carpet cleaning is another use for Genesis 950. Professional carpet cleaning can cost hundreds of dollars. With Genesis 950, a 2.5 Gallon cube provides more than enough concentrate to clean carpets throughout the house. Simply mix the concentrate with water in any carpet cleaning machine. Make your carpets look, smell and even feel professionally cleaned. Restore stained, dirty carpet! Remove dirt, grime, food and drink stains, and odors.

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Car enthusiasts, mechanics, and auto dealers love Genesis 950 for the garage. Because it is such an effective cleaner, and so gentle at the same time, it can be used to clean vehicles and engines without damaging the paint, fabrics or engines. Use it for cleaning exteriors and interiors with amazing results. Genesis 950 can be used on cloth, carpet, leather, plastic, stainless and chrome fixtures. Use it to remove stains from spills, eliminate odors inside the car and to make your vehicle look and smell like new. The toughest nooks and crannies present no challenge when cleaned with Genesis 950. 

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Under the hood, use Genesis 950 in a power-washer to clean engines. Genesis 950 can break down grease, oil and tar. Properly cleaning engines on vehicles helps to eliminate buildup and rust that can shorten the life of your car. 

No other cleaner is as versatile as Genesis 950. It can be used on virtually any surface and can clean the hardest stains.