How To Remove Cat Vomit Stains
Cat vomit stains can be one of the hardest pet stains to remove. Dye in cat food can easily penetrate carpet fiber and leave discoloration. Cleaning these stains can be difficult for this reason. Cat vomit can also be found long after the sickness occurred. Genesis 950 makes it easy to clean cat vomit stains! Genesis 950 is a surfactant based cleaner that works with water to make stains water soluble. This allows a stain to be broken down and rinsed away from the surface.While there are several products on the market that claim to be designed to work specifically on pet stains, they do not always work. There are several reasons for this:

Vinegar - Nearly all DIY pet stain remover recipes call for Vinegar. It's easily accessible, non-hazardous and has general cleaning properties. Unfortunately, it is the WORST thing you can use for cleaning pet stains. The acidic composition of vinegar contains elements found in the acidic base of urine. This similarity between the scent of vinegar and pet urine may draw your pet to go to the bathroom in the spot where you applied it to the carpet. Pet owners who use vinegar often find their pet keeps going to the bathroom in the same spot no matter how many times they clean the area. The reason they go in that spot is because vinegar does not remove the urine scent. instead, it enhances it.
Enzymes - Enzymes are often praised as the go to miracle cleaner for pet stains. This couldn't be further from the truth. Enzymes work on the principal that when two specific substances come in contact with each other, a natural reaction will occur causing the stains to break down. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Enzymes are extremely complex. Specific factors need to be in place for enzymes to work. The easiest explanation is by comparing enzymes to the principal of using a lock and key. Take one lock and hundreds of keys. To be unlocked, the correct key needs to be used. While all the other keys may fit into the lock, only the one that 100% matches will work. All the other keys are useless. Enzymes will only break down an element if they have the proper DNA strands. In addition to the DNA matching, there are other factors in play: temperature, moisture, age of the enzyme, age of the stains and so on. It just takes one factor to be off to prevent, the enzyme from working. To complicate the process even more, enzymes sold are mass produced. They are not designed to react specifically to the pH levels of an individual pet's urine. Differences in pet's diets, health issues and other factors vary from one animal to another. The most common complaint about enzymes is that the stain reappears a few days later or the odor returns. This is because the enzymes used are not compatible to change the specific stain being treated. Enzymes also can not properly clean the padding. While the stain on the carpet may appear cleaned, anything below the surface is still present and will lift upward with changes in humidity. They also do not kill the bacteria which creates the odor. As a result, the odor is not removed.

Household Cleaners - When it comes to homemade pet stain remover recipes, soap based cleaners are listed ingredients right behind vinegar. This is where we insert the face palm emoji! Soaps are designed as surface cleaners. They perform best when removing stains from hard surfaces. Some might do a decent job at lifting light food or drink stains, but they do not have the power to properly clean pet stains. When used as a spot cleaner, soap based cleaners do not have any impact on odors below the surface. They can not get into the padding where the odor originates. Attempting to deep clean carpets with soap based cleaners can leave your carpet looking worse. Soap attracts dirt. Rather then break down dirt, it pulls it together and can cause it to clump up. In the process, streaking can occur in the carpet.
This carpet shows what can happen when soap based cleaners are used. This carpet had pet stains spread throughout it. Pets were having repeated accidents on the carpet. The reason: Once a pet marked the carpet and the urine odor was there, the pets continued to go in the spots where they smelled urine. The soap based cleaners can not remove that odor. Soaps attract dirt. So the spots where soap based cleaners were used only ending up making the carpet dirtier. This carpet was treated this way for several years and the owners finally gave up. The pet odor that prevailed throughout the room was horrible. See the results below in the before and after when cleaned with Genesis 950!
Oxidizing Cleaners - Through a process called oxidization, these cleaners interact with oxygen to create a chemical reaction that is intended to break down the stain. Many oxidizers use Nirtic Acid (which is in fertilizer - do you really want that in your carpet?) to remove electrons in an effort to displace a stain. This is not a natural process, but rather chemical based. These are the types of cleaners that are most damaging to carpets.Chemistry in the oxidizers can change carpet various colors. A pinkish tint is the most common discoloration. This damage is not reversible!

Remove as much of the stain as possible with a cloth or paper towel.

Spray the area with a mixture of Genesis 950. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes on the stain. This will make it water soluble. As the stain becomes water soluble, it will break down.

After the stain has been broken down, rinse the area clean with water.
In addition to removing vomit stains, Genesis 950 can also remove urine stains, as well as the odor.
Here are some other examples of pet stains removed with Genesis 950:
Genesis 950 is the best pet stain remover for carpet. If you have pets, chances are you have pet stains. Remove all pet stains with Genesis 950.